

书呆网 >> 都市小说 >> 老人与海 >> 第9章 Final Fight

o ing late in ternoon and ore here had been,and nd.

“youre tired,old man,”ired in before along t even quartering on ting side by ed tr t a broken oar in lengtould only uauook good ,ano tood ro.

toget open into t do onto the sharky ae doidity of bone too and ore of the nose aher shark and noould of te froorner of lo at and looain ao he heavy solid rubberinealano.”te in again.”

te in a ru aould raie e loois tr neit in circleould not exould i an feel very good.if i could ould one .

o look at t one down will be dark looo far to t be too far out no.i oo o i aonfidence.en .i live in a good toould not talk to tauhe fioo his head.

“half fi oo far out.i ruined u any sharks,you and i,and ruined any did you ever kill,old fi r not.”

ould do to a ing free.i .but t and there was no knife.

but if i , ? t,”il i die.”

but in tloeady perhaps he wa dead and lo.ainern and dead..

i i.but i a over my sy in teered and o cohe ,aybe ill trward half in.i,ed your luck oo far out be silly,”he said aloud.“and .”

“id like to buy ce t,” could i buy it harpoon and a broken knife and tried to buy it ur dayo you too.”

i nize e t and ould . i r nole eer and from his pain dead.

lare of ty at en oclock at nigeoon rieady to ean reaeered inlo no.

no an a in t a weaiff and sore now and hi ain,uc by and tk and er tade and te a ook lubbed deould only feel and lub and it one.

iller free fro and c it in bot do t in one after t urned to coore.

one ca it he in tear.ain. iller break and .o in and kno in and rolled a caore for tould a outo and r a .

ean and no youve killed a man.”

状态提示:第9章 Final Fight

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