

书呆网 >> 都市小说 >> 老人与海 >> 第1章 The Old Mans Hard Life

第1章 The Old Mans Hard Life (1/1)

an who fished alone in a rea a fiy dayy dayold an ely and finally ky,and t tade ty and o oiled lineaff and k looked like t defeat.

tancer troe and ar ordarhey were as old as erosion.

everyt olor aed.

“ ahe skiff ould go ade t.

“no,”tan ay .”

“but re eig fi big oneber,”tan said,“i knoe becaued.”

“it e leave.i a obey .”

“i knoan e normal.”

“ an i offer you a beer on tuff e.”

“an en.”

te and en an and en,looked at and tely about te day were already in and arlin out and carried ten o te truck to carry t in augory on tove ed on a block and tackle,t off and t and tri.

e acrooday to t and e.

“he boy an of o.

“can i go out to get oy baill ro.”

“i o.if i cannot fio e way.”

“you bougan said.“you are already a man.”

“how old ook ?”

“five and you nearly were killed reen and an you rean re and t and tlubbing. i can ree into toiled line lubbing ree do blood e.”

“can you really re or did i juo you?”

“i re et onfident loving eyes.

“if you ake you out and ga you are your fatherky boat.”

“he sardineet four baitoo.”

“i oday.i ur fresh onean said.onfidence no ahe breeze rihe boy reed.“ you didnt ?”

“i i bougan o ained ained it and diarried no lorue orroood day ,”he said.

“he boy a to co to be out before it i.”

“ill try to get an coo your aid.”

“o .”

“no,”t i and get er dolphin.”

“are bad?”

“ blind.”

“it ian urtle-ing.t you r yearoaood.

“i aan.”

“but are you r a truly big fikake tan get ter the ear froan carried t on oiled,hard-braided broaff and t eal fro e ar te al eal froaff and a haro leave in a boat.

tk and an leaned t tear be ak uano and in it table,one cook urdy fibered guano ture in color of t of jeed raaken it do too lonely to orner under .

“o eat?”the boy a of yelloe?”

“no,i you he fire?”

“no.i er on.or i old.”

“ net?”

“of cour and tbered .but tion every day. t of yellooo.

“eigky nuan said.“ o over a thousand pound tr in the doorway?”

“yeerdays pahe ba knoerdayion too.but t out froo gave it to a,”ined.

“ill be back he sardines.ill keean orning. an tell he ba lo i fear tnd.”


“i fear botroit and tnd.

“be careful or you i and to.”

“you e k.”

“do you terery oy-fiftan do t y- record?”

“it could not an find an eigy-five?”

“i can order one.”

“one ran ?”

“tan al and a oo.but i try not to borro.”

“keeber ber.”

“treat fian an be a fiay.”

“i go nohe boy an off t over tane ill k oo and t an was asleep and r any tiany different anhere e.tro breeze. ed.

te back till asleep.

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